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5 Beautiful Underwater Houses - What and How?

           Underwater houses offer a unique and breathtaking experience that combines the serenity of the ocean with the comfort of modern living. Here are five beautiful underwater houses and how they were built:

The Underwater Room at Manta Resort, Tanzania: This unique hotel room is located off the coast of Pemba Island and is submerged four meters beneath the surface of the water. The room features a glass ceiling that offers stunning views of the marine life above, and guests can also go snorkeling and diving in the surrounding waters.

Water Discus Hotel, Dubai: This futuristic hotel was designed by the Polish company Deep Ocean Technology and is located 10 meters below the surface of the Persian Gulf. The hotel features 21 rooms, a restaurant, and a spa, and guests can enjoy panoramic views of the underwater world through the hotel's glass walls.

Poseidon Undersea Resort, Fiji: This luxury resort is located 12 meters below the surface of the ocean and features 24 suites, a restaurant, a spa, and even an underwater wedding chapel. The resort was built using reinforced concrete and acrylic glass, and guests can enjoy views of the coral reefs and marine life that surround the resort.

Atlantis The Palm, Dubai: This famous hotel features an underwater suite called the Neptune and Poseidon Underwater Suites, which are located beneath the aquarium at the resort. The suites feature floor-to-ceiling windows that offer stunning views of the marine life swimming by.
Ocean Spiral, Japan: This proposed underwater city is designed to be a self-sustaining community that can house up to 5,000 people. The city would be located 2,000 meters below the surface of the ocean and would be built using advanced technology and sustainable materials.

Each of these underwater houses is unique and offers a different experience for those who visit or live in them. They demonstrate the incredible possibilities of underwater architecture and the potential for humans to live beneath the sea in the future.

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